Be the Light of the World
The Lord Jesus calls His followers the “Light of the world” (Matthew 5:14).
Every believer has what it takes to be a Lighthouse. Christ who is the Light of the world dwells in each of us. Lighting our world is simply a matter of letting Christ shine through us. As it is the nature of a light bulb to give light, so it’s the nature of a Christian to shine. Turn on your own light and see darkness flee.
Gale TeSelle testifies:
A few years ago, I read a book called I’m Gonna Let It Shine!by Dr. James Montgomery, the founder of Dawn Ministries, a world-wide church planting organization. It’s an excellent book, which I highly recommend.
For me, one of the most memorable sentences in the book was this statement by Dr. Montgomery … “When it comes to revival, we are often waiting for God to show up and do the miraculous while God is waiting for us to show up and do the obvious.” He goes on to say, “We don’t need a new call from God. We need to stop looking to others and be obedient to the first call ourselves.”
At first, when I became a born-again believer, I was very reluctant to share my testimony. You see, I was a pretend Christian; going to church, participating in programs and activities, but never really having a relationship with Jesus Christ. But then, the Lord challenged me to live out my faith. My first and most important step was to make sure “I’m Gonna Let It Shine” and to put my light on a stand for everyone to see like a lighthouse on the shoreline.
What does it mean to be a Lighthouse?
A Lighthouse is a person, family or small group committed to pray for, care for and share Christ with family members, friends, classmates, coworkers and neighbors, especially those who do not know him.
Praying, caring, sharing Christians impact the lives of those in their circle of influence.
Prayer moves God’s hand in their lives. – Refer to James 5:16
Caring demonstrates God’s love in practical ways. – Refer to Romans 12:21
Sharing exposes them to the power of the gospel.- Refer to Romans 1:16
Three Elements of a Lighthouse:

PRAYER– Praying by name, for neighbors, schoolmates, or co-workers; asking for specific prayer needs, praying that God might begin to draw the unsaved to Himself. Lighthouses are involved in prayer walking or praying with other believers. Click here to visit our Prayer page.

CARE– Showing kindness by being helpful and hospitable; meeting physical needs; connecting people with the various care ministries of the Christian churches in the Bowie area; helping to build and restore broken relationships. Click here to visit our Care page.

SHARE– Sharing your personal testimony and the hope and light that is within you in gentleness and with respect; having a discussion of the purpose of life and what the Bible says about life after death; inviting people to a church event or a Sunday church service. Click here to visit our Share page.
What is the name of your next-door neighbor?
You have greatest responsibility with those to whom God has put near you.
Lighthouses break out of the car-to-garage-to-house mold to meet and develop relationships with their neighbors. They watch for opportunities to practically demonstrate Christ’s love to the family next door.
They open their homes for meals, for fellowship, and for Bible studies.
Cast Light on your Community
Everyone needs light. Beside your home and neighborhood, Lighthouses can shine the light of Jesus in other places:
Churches– the body of believers modeling the pray-care-share principles of God’s Word to others in the congregation and the church in general.
Schools– students praying for and caring for the students in their homeroom classes or those whose lockers are next to them.
Businesses– workers praying for and caring for coworkers in the offices or cubicles next to them or who work on the same factory line. They’re also praying for the customers and vendors they come in contact with.
Prisons– inmates who have become Christians establishing their cells as Lighthouses to pray for and care for their fellow inmates.
Retirement / Nursing Homes– senior citizens praying for those in the beds or rooms next to theirs.
How can you become a Lighthouse?
1. Accept Jesus Christ
If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior then you have the light of Christ in your life. This is a critical issue! Please see our lighthouse page titled “Who is Jesus?”
2. Pray about it
Ask God to give you His heart of compassion for your neighbors and their physical and spiritual needs. As God works in your heart, decide which people you will pray for in your neighborhood, school, or workplace. Pray a commitment prayer something like this:
God. I know that my neighbors matter very much to you and that you have commanded me to love them and to pray for them.
I commit myself to pray at least once a week, with prayers of blessings. Draw them close to You so they may come to know You. Help me to care for them as needs become known.
3. Live, go to school, work, or worship in the Bowie Area
If you have prayed that prayer and live, go to school, work, or worship within the Bowie area and want to get involved, we would like to help you. Checkout our web pages under Lighthouseon the main menu and join us for our many community events.
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