Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, that He is Savior, Lord, King and the Light of the World. That’s what it means to be a Lighthouse. Sharing your personal testimony and the hope and light that is within you in gentleness and with respect; having a discussion of the purpose of life and what the Bible says about life after death. It’s sharing with those you meet what has been generously given to you – grace from our loving God, touching lives with the gospel message of Jesus Christ. |
In order to be saved, people must somehow “hear” the good news. The Apostle Paul asks: And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? (Romans 10:14) Do what you can to make sure that happens. Ask the Lord to open a door of opportunity for you to personally present the gospel. Give them a book or video that focuses on Christ, involve them in a Bible study or take them to a church service or an evangelistic event where they will hear a gospel message. Remember: The gospel … is the power of God for the salvation for everyone who believes. (Romans 1:16) As you get to know your neighbors and they begin to know and trust you as they begin to see prayer requests answered in their lives, you have an open door to share the gospelwith them. | Check out our other pages about sharing the Gospel: Who is Jesus? Have I Changed? Discipleship is Important! Methods of Evangelism |
Be an Inviter
Invite your friends and neighbors to something you know they would enjoy; like golf or another sporting event, a craft show, etc. Invite them to a church outreach service, evangelistic crusade, retreat or a Bible study/small group. |
And the number one reason people say they don’t go to church…
Survey says!:
“I was not invited.”
Share with Skeptics and Seekers
To assist in helping seekers and skeptics examine the compelling historical accuracy of the Gospel and the logic of choosing to follow Christ, Turn ON the Light-Bowie has the 72-minute THE CASE FOR CHRISTvideo by Lee Strobel for small-group showings and discussions.
For Christian small groups interested in a “worldview tour,” which examines the biblical worldviews of philosophy, science, labor, and government, consider hosting the 13-week TRUTH PROJECT. Contact Al Goff to help present this material. Because of license restrictions, DVDs alone cannot be loaned to your church or organization. |
Share Men & Women Events
Women:if their interest dictates it, take neighbors as your guests to a Christian women’s event like the Women of Faith conference, typically held in the Washington DC Verizon Center.
Men:invite men to a monthly church men’s ministry breakfast and CoBAMM’s Man on Fire Seminar scheduled for November.
Both men and women golfers are invited to our Turn ON the Light-Bowie Golf Tournament.

We invite you to browse and reference this website for the lists of manycaring and sharing opportunities. If you need some help, send us an email or give us a call.
We are your Bowie neighbors after all.