Disciples of Jesus start their morning right with the Word and Prayer. Here are links to some websites to help you grow.
Our Daily Bread – An online devotional from Radio Bible Class (RBC)
Daily Quiet Time Bible Study – An online devotional from InterVarsity Press
God’s Word For Today – A devotional from the Assemblies of God Website
Today’s Verse – a daily verse from the NIV, plus a thought and prayer by Phil Ware from the “Heartlight” website
What Jesus Did – How can we ask what he would do, if we don’t know what he did? Take a daily tour through Matthew and find out from the “Heartlight” website
My Utmost For His Highest – read the world’s most popular devotional based on the writings of Oswald Chambers (1874-1917) online.
Morning & Evening – the classic devotional from Charles Spurgeon on the “Heartlight” website
Bible Reading Plans – choose from several available daily Bible reading plans from the “Heartlight” website
Disciples of Jesus study using tools to help properly interpret and apply God’s Word.
Bible Sprout is an educational Christian website focused on helping people know more about God’s truth through reliance on scripture. It contains an online Bible, Christian articles, links to study resources, and blog.
BibleGateway.com – A free service for reading and researching Scripture online–all in the language or translation of your choice! We provide advanced tools you can use to search the Bible by keywords or verse, as well as other tools to enhance your study of the Bible.
Bible.com makes available the Bible in multiple languages and translations with Bible Answers, Bible Searches, Bible Tools, Bible Aids, Bible Studies, Bible Stories, Bible Devotionals, Bible Reading Plans, and Bible Memorization Techniques.
BibleStudyTools.com – A multi-faceted Bible Study website with many different tools and ways of learning more about the Bible and growing in faith.
Bible.org– The Biblical Studies Foundation is a non-profit organization founded for the purpose of distributing sound, evangelical Bible study materials in electronic format for home use. This site contains Bible studies, pastoral helps, Q&A’s, and more.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library – Classic Christian books in electronic format, includes books from authors such as St. Augustine, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, Thomas à Kempis, John Wesley, and many more.
Christian Research Institute – CRI is a parachurch organization providing Christians carefully researched information and well-reasoned answers that encourage them in their faith and equip them to intelligently represent it to people influenced by ideas and teachings that assault or undermine orthodox, biblical Christianity.
Internet Christian Library (ICLnet) – One of the largest and most complete archiving of “classical” Christian materials available on the Internet.